Every year we head to Kosovo, with a goal to continue pouring into the church of Kosovo, to invest and strengthen our New City campus, and to continue to invite people into a personal relationship with Jesus!
What would I be doing? We’ll continue to invest in the heartbeat and flavor of our church campus, focusing on atmosphere and ministry leadership. We’ll host another Jesus Party with an emphasis on relational evangelism. Overall, it will be 2 weeks full of opportunities to continue the work God is doing in Kosovo.
Also, just a heads up: we call the country "Kosovo", overseas however, they call it "Kosova." You'll hear both names around here!
Still looking to possibly go? Here are some things you can be doing in the mean time:
Many people from our church have gone to Kosovo, over the decades, and maybe your turn is coming soon! If you're feeling that nudge, or are open to it, pray and see what God is saying.
If you don't already have one, it's best to get that now. These take several weeks to receive, so it's better to already have one when you apply, rather than still waiting for it when the plane leaves.
A trip usually costs anywhere between $2,400-$3,000 depending on the time of year and airfare. Each team member is responsible to financially provide for their trip. So, if you feel like God might be calling you to go at somepoint in the futre, we encourage you start preparing for that, today.