If New City Church is starting to feel like 'home' then it might be time to consider where you can make a difference with us. Browse this list of volunteer opportunities below and attend Discover Track soon to learn how you can get involved.
*Our volunteer teams are made up of New City family members.*
Not yet a family member?  Serve in one of our monthly special events to get a taste of serving at New City!
Want to learn about family membership?  Attend Discover Track during a weekend service! 


DISCOVER TRACK: Discover Track is the perfect on-ramp to life at New City!  In four quick steps offered during our weekend services, we're investing in people and shaping the future of New City Church.  Various roles make this function smoothly; class teachers, hospitality teams, administrators to handle data processing, and table coaches to keep it relational.

HOST TEAM AND USHERS: Do you just love people? Perfect! Because that is exactly what these two teams are all about – making people feel loved and welcomed! The First Impressions Team greets people at the door, serves coffee and donuts, and keeps an eye out for those who need to make a connection! The Ushers Team helps our guests find seats, pass out bulletins and helps with the practical aspects of the service.


INFANTS AND TODDLERS: Our nursery volunteers care for babies and toddlers while their parents enjoy the service, worry-free! We want both parents and children to feel loved during church, and our nursery volunteers do an excellent job of communicating that. It is easy to get involved in the nursery, and even if you’re only available once a month, we would love to have you on the team!  

PRESCHOOL - ELEMENTARY: Our kids ministry leaders are passionate about sharing Jesus with kids, building meaningful relationships, and having a lot of fun along the way! This team hangs out with kids from preschool to 6th grade through every Sunday morning. You can serve in a variety of roles—from teaching and assisting to setup and check-in. New City Kids teams have monthly team meetings to connect, grow, and prepare for the month ahead. These meetings equip leaders with the tools and encouragement they need to serve kids well and make a lasting impact!

A background check is required to serve in any of these areas.


HIGH SCHOOL AND MIDDLE SCHOOL: New City Youth is passionate about helping youth get passionate about Jesus! Volunteers are part of a team of involved, committed, and energetic people who lead a weekly gathering that includes worship, sermons, and fun activities as well as fun events throughout the year. They are actively engaged in the youth culture of New City and in individual’s lives through personal mentorship. This team may require a larger commitment, but the joy of seeing lives changed is unmatched.

New City Young Adults meets every Sunday night at 6pm, at New City Church. We aim to make real connections with each other.


WORSHIP: At New City, we believe the role of a worship leader is more than just playing an instrument - it is connecting the church to the heart of God. We see that as a huge blessing and responsibility. If you are teachable, have a growing relationship with God and play an instrument or sing, let us know and we'll get you an audition.

PRODUCTION (SOUND, PRESENTATION, LIVE VIDEO PRODUCTION): Weekend services simply wouldn’t happen without someone to operate the sound board, display song lyrics on the big screens, help film the sermons, and so much more! We need help making sure our services are running smoothly, and if you prefer the technical side of things, this team might be right for you!

MIXED MEDIA AND DESIGN: This category is for those who love all types of creative media - and we do a lot of it at New City! Arts that fall into this category would be photography, videography, video editing, graphic design, print media, app maintenance, website upkeep and more. We use Adobe Creative Suite with programs such as Photoshop, Premiere Pro, InDesign, Lightroom and Illustrator. Prior experience in these programs is preferred, but if you have time and willingness to learn, we'll get you started.


MAINTENANCE: Our light bulbs stay on, our door hinges are greased, the toilets flush, and the pictures hang straight all thanks to our maintenance team! If you are handy and can help us fix things around the church, work on plumbing or electrical, paint, build, or clean, we can use you!

FACILITY CLEANING: When you come to church, we don’t want you to notice full trash cans, water stains in the bathroom, or dirty floors – we want to make a good first impression! The facility cleaning team works together to keep our buildings clean and our guests happy.


COMMUNITY OUTREACH: We love the people of our city, and we look for ways to show it in practical ways. This team reaches out through block parties, clean-ups, Christmas caroling, and more!

SCHOOL OUTREACH: We adopted Lewis and Clark Elementary School a few years ago and we have loved serving the staff, teachers, and students. There are many ways to help: volunteer to read to kindergarteners, help love on teachers and staff with gifts, lunches, and prayer, or help with special events!

TRANSPORTATION MINISTRY: Our transportation team picks up people from all around the community that need a ride to church; people that otherwise wouldn’t be able to come! We ask for guys only in this ministry – it is a fantastic way for men to serve!